Enhancing Digital Experiences By Leveraging Research & Analytics

When a leading real estate management company approached us to develop a digital wayfinding program for airport terminals, we realized that providing a solution to help get people from point A to point B was barely the tip of the iceberg.

The data flowing from the interactive touch solution that we designed was far too valuable to let pass into the ether. So we decided to capture it and leverage the intelligence to empower our client’s business decisions.

The analytics program we established as part of our solution provides visibility into the backend of our system, giving executive teams the ability to understand what people are searching for, when they’re searching for it, how they are engaging the system, for how long, and much, much more.
This visibility has changed they way they understand and utilize their space.


  • No matter the data source, solid assessment and interpretation starts with defining your baseline. Benchmarking a digital solution begins with discovery, gathering available data and assessing current performance versus desired results and KPIs.
  • Benchmarking the “current state” of your program will provide performance insights and illuminate data sources and available capture methods. Methodologies vary (more on that below) but the more you can build automation into your analytics program the better it will become.
  • Another goal of your benchmarking process should be to create alignment on how your organization will interpret KPIs, which can include factors ranging from general success measure like sales lift to more qualitative factors like consumer sentiment and customer experience.
  • If you take a moment to think about it, discovery is a beautiful thing. The process allows you to zoom way out, stop, and take time for an objective, critical assessment. Be relentless in deepening your understanding. This is your opportunity to take stock of user behaviors, to get to know how they’re encountering your program, and use that insight to enhance program functionality, UI, and the entire experience.
  • When establishing your methodologies, know that there are great tools out there and some have more horsepower than you need. Take the time to set a plan that accounts for workflows, processes, and organizational bandwidth, as well as hierarchy, visibility through the ranks, and established timelines for periodic reporting.
  • Once you’ve set your parameters, be diligent about your assessment and defined methodology. Let the data speak to you, be open to iteration, but stick to your measurement plan and give the research time to breathe. The insights flowing from a well-defined analytics program can be like catnip for executives, but being rigorous about standardization and allowing time will breed greater statistical significance, and reveal a truer body of work with more meaningful results.


Analytics programs are always tailored to your media solution, though we tend to structure our programs based on a combination of three high-level methodologies:

  1. Media Research & Benchmark Study: Survey / Exit Interviews
  2. Interactive Measurement & Engagement Study & Analytical Reporting
  3. Observational Technology & User Engagement / Facial Recognition / Demographics / Traffic


  • Environment / Qualify
  • Effectiveness / Quantify
  • Engagement / Optimize


Great projects start with a good discussion. We’d love to help clarify your objectives to determine what we can build together.
Let’s be in touch! CLICK HERE
