Have You Checked Your Temperature Today?
Do you remember a time you could gracefully walk into a store without having to wait in line or needing to use a face mask? It seems like only last month…oh wait it actually was.
The reality is that moment of “shopping simplicity” will be gone for a while replaced with new technologies designed to invoke a sense of safety when entering almost any environment. Instead of being greeted with a smile it will be a digital display asking to take your temperature.
For better or worse it will become the new norm. Some will argue it’s a violation of privacy while others will see it as a means to ensure public safety. I’m not forming an opinion as I can see the arguments on both sides. However it’s hard to ignore that you won’t encounter this situation given the amount of companies that have already developed “Temperature Sensing Kiosks.” Not to mention Disney has made recent headlines with regards to suggesting that they will be checking guest temperatures at their parks prior to entry.
Searching on Google for Temperature Kiosks will take you down the rabbit hole and force you to consume multiple cups of coffee to help decipher the differences between them. Here is list of the ones that have caught my attention and worth considering:
- VitalSign / Developed by Diversified / Features multiple sized panels and provides accurate measurements within a tolerance of +/- 0.9 Fahrenheit or +/- 0.5 Celsius. Scan distance of 0.5 to 1 meter and 1 person per time
- Temperature Sensing Kiosk / Developed by OLEA Kiosks / Two versions, desktop and freestanding. Roughly the same measurement specs as VitalSign. Overall nicer form factor which is expected given OLEA is a kiosk manufacturer.
- Body Temperature Measurement / Developed by LamasaTech / Incorporates the use of a LED traffic light system and optional facial recognition to allow entry for vetted individuals. Can be integrated with gates, turnstiles and door access making it useful for public spaces and transportation.
- RamcoGEEK / Developed by Ramco / More of a work place enterprise application.
- Temperature Measurement / Developed by TechnoSignage / Android based application with a 8″ Display that is IP65 rated. It has a +/- accuracy of 0.2 Celsius which makes it the most accurate device on this list. Interesting inclusion of face mask recognition.