The Making Of An Experience
As designers, our shared core competency lays in our ability to solve complex problems. We solve them for our clients daily, which ultimately allows our clients to create memorable and positive brand experiences for their customers.
We don’t take that responsibility lightly.
This responsibility means we’re required to be adaptive, flexible, and think both inside and outside the box, while questioning the relevance of the box in general.
With the convergence of digital and physical, connecting people to place in the built environment become one of the main problems we’ve been solving for many years now.
With his upcoming talk for AIGA Vermont, as part of their WTF! Speaker Series, Bryan will be exploring the core concepts behind Designing for engagement in physical spaces.
Concepts Include:
- Demystifying what Experience Design really means, as for us, it’s the sensations, feelings, cognitions, and behavioral responses evoked by brand-related stimuli that are part of a brand’s design and identity, packaging, communications, and environments.
- Emotions: Everything around us has been designed in some way and all design ultimately produces an emotion. We experience an emotional reaction to our environment moment-by-moment: a like or a dislike, elation, joy, frustration. We ‘feel’ it. It’s personal.
- Behavior, including:
- How we interact with spaces
- Change the way we behave and communicate
- Digital allows for a different experience each time
- Push the boundaries of the physical
- Experiences resonate with us
- Branded Environments: They extend the experience of an organization’s brand, or distinguishing characteristics as expressed in names, symbols, and designs, the design of interior or exterior physical settings. It uses space as a physical embodiment of the brand to create a ‘brand space’.
- Engagement, including:
- Immerse your audience into a ‘one of a kind’ experience
- Consumers are searching for a theatrical experience
- Communicate the subtleties of time and place and covey cultural and visual stories
- Finding that balance between physical design and digital engagement
- Connecting, including:
- Convert your audience to brand advocates
- Create a PULL system (as opposed to a push system)
- Establish a connection that makes them feel part of the environment or the ability to control the experience
With all the talk on immersive and interactive environments, it’s how hope that some of these points will help you (and your brand) as you look to connect further with your audience.
Interested in learning more about how we can help? Contact us HERE.
You can learn more about Bryan’s talk at AIGA Vermont by clicking the link below: