Experience Design Agencies Chicago, Illinois
An experience design agency in Chicago, Illinois that holistically understands your core message can revolutionize how you interact with your target demographic, amplifying your presence and branding image to compel, attract, and convert customers.
Engaging your audience seems to become increasingly more challenging. How are you meant to connect with such a large amount of people reliably? Experience design agencies in Chicago, Illinois specialize in crafting custom-fit solutions that make meaningful connections with your target demographic. Fundamentally, in order to keep your brand’s name and story on everyone’s mind, you need to take every moment and interaction conducted between your brand and the individual and augment it through educational, impressive, and immersive content within innovative technology formats.
The trick is to align your company goals with the goals of your audience. You both want the same thing: a buyer’s journey that elevates the overall experience in a meaningful way. The more effectively you serve your visitors’ needs, the more accessible your services and products are as a result. OpenEye Global takes a collaborative approach to each project we accept, providing an objective understanding of what makes your brand’s story unique, compelling, and accessible to the common audience.
A Unique Approach
Collaboration is at the core of our work, guiding our decision-making processes based on an intimate familiarity with your brand’s environment and persona. The best way to achieve this is by asking the experts on the subject: you. Coordinating digital signage initiatives weighs heavily on the input given from your teams, enabling a result that drives user experience through a powerful combination of thoughtful design with functional interaction.
Design Thinking
Design thinking is a coordinated process that gives our team the tools and structure required to solve complex problems in a user-centric way. The traditional framework for a design thinking process revolves around five core stages:
- Empathize
- Define
- Ideate
- Prototype
- Test
The process is recursive, generating a throughline that builds on past iterations until our team develops an ideal solution. Through continual examination, testing, and development, our team crafts experiences that leave long-standing impacts on your target demographic.
Interactive Storytelling
There’s no better way to tell a story than to involve the audience in its telling. Digital kiosks, LED panels, and interactive boards actively engage the user and allow them to select relevant information according to their goals, interests, and behavior. Your audience chooses how they learn about your company, establishing agency and immersing them in your brand’s story.
Integrated Experiences
Experience design from the viewpoint of digitally transforming your physical space relies on seamlessly integrating technology with your storefront environment. Every aspect of deployment, from what type of technology you leverage to its placement within your brand’s environment, affects overall perception and ease of interaction.
Visual Engagement
A picture is worth a thousand words. People are naturally inclined to receive a greater amount of information through visual mediums, attesting to greater retention rates and engagement in your brand’s environment. By crafting compelling and entertaining multimedia presentations, we can ensure engagement augments your audience’s experience without confusing, distracting, or overwhelming them.
Meaningful Content
At the end of the day, what you present to your target demographic needs to be high-quality, authentic, and memorable. Every aspect of your digital signage solution needs to have a genuine message conveyed through it, and doing so fosters credibility and trust between your brand and visitors in your storefront space.
OpenEye Global is an experience design agency in Chicago, Illinois composed of over seven industry-leading professionals with years of experience. Our team may be small, but our dedication to delivering high-value digital signage solutions from an experience design perspective ensures every solution is memorable and impactful. Visit our contact page or give us a call at (732) 407-5018 for more information.
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